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The excitement, joy, and love you have for each other when you marry is indescribable. You're looking forward to the future you're building together. You discuss purchasing your first home, having a family, and spending the rest of your lives together. But do you discuss the work it will take to sustain your marriage?


In I'm Just Simply Saying, author and marriage coach Rhoda Whitfield helps you tackle the ups, downs, bumps, and bruises of marriage. She discusses that even though some days may be burdensome, it is not a reason to give up. This guide emphasizes the importance of including God in the marriage as you work to blend personalities and differences as you move toward becoming one. God promotes that unity, harmony, and oneness.


The principles explained in I'm Just Simply Saying demonstrate that if you work together, learn how to communicate effectively, and practice forgiveness, you'll work on your marriage, your marriage will work, and you will see the beauty of it all. In this season of your lives, love hard and work your marriage.

Marriage Takes Work Couple's Workbook

  • 8.5x11 

    76 Pages

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